Executive Update: 6-3-2000
Hello World:
Today is June 3, 2000, the six month anniversary of our first day of
operation as the proud new owners of Amiga.*
When we got involved with Amiga, it was with the clear vision and goal that
we were going to change computing forever.
I wanted to create long term partnerships with our developers and OEMs where
could truly be partners and not competitors.
After an interesting twisting of events, we are here and everything that
is mentioned above is now within our grasp.
Many of you did not think that we would make it this far. Suffice to say:
we are going to be here for a long, long time.
As many of you already know, I sometimes get some depressing and rather
negative e-mails. Recently I had one of those mornings where I was
inundated by hundreds of negative messages.
Someone in the community felt that they had been slighted, and they took
their grievance out into the public forum.
I had never met them before, but they had heard what we were doing, and they
remembered the Amiga fondly.
I left that meeting with a new attitude: Never Give Up, and Never
Now we may not always do things that way--the way "others" may think
we should. We may not always get it right the first time, but we are
forward with our plans, and we will win! No, we are winning.
If you have friends that used to come to your user group meetings,
call them.
The Amiga changed computing forever with the introduction of the A1000.
We are about to do it again. Today we announce the release of the first product since our acquisition, the Amiga Software Developers Kit. This is the first step in creating the content and applications that are going to change the way people look at computing.
As many of you are aware, what we are talking about goes well beyond turning
on a computer, and waiting, waiting, waiting, saying "oh @%!%!,"
waiting, and then, finally, starting our tasks. But that's what the
world got with Wintel. We are changing this, just like the color and
brilliance of the A1000 shamed the green-on-black rows and columns of
the IBM PC and low-res black and white interface of the Mac.
What we are talking about here is creating a new and exciting computing
environment: one where you turn on your machine and guess what: it's
The environment embraces the user, as opposed to the user being forced into
a certain method of doing things. And all the while we stay true to
Make no mistake, though: this product is truly for developers. This SDK
not for
people looking for the next version of the Amiga.
This is designed as a reference platform to get started, and there will be
more releases of the SDK over the coming months. We will add new features
expand the AmiVerse.
This is a change from the announcement in St.
Louis on April 1, 2000. We had originally planned to release a hardware and
software only solution, but we received so many comments and emails
suggesting something different that
we decided to take the time and launch a software
version of the developer release. Yes, we listened.
We have also changed our plans on the hardware portion of the
also. We had planned to be the sole source for the dev-box, but within
hours of the St. Louis show we had numerous companies coming forth
that they could build the developer boxes for less.
We have gone with a regional approach now, and are finalizing the list of
Amiga Dev-Box companies authorized to sell an approved system.
These will be local companies in each of your areas, which should
help with hardware support and warranty concerns.
Fleecy has been hard at work. He has written an excellent document that
offers a glimpse into the SDK and the way that developers will be able to
get the most out of it in a short time.
You can read it in Amiga World
or in the developers support area of the site.
For those of you who think that we are sitting around, please note the
following: Currently there are over a quarter of a million lines of code written for the new version of Boopsi. We call it BOOPS. It is in testing and optimization. It will be ready for release very soon. We are also working very hard on a new scripting language, very similar to AREXX, that we know that everyone will enjoy.
Also I am pleased to announce that Dean Brown has accepted our offer and
will joining us full time. He is preparing to move his family to the
white north"--another positive move.
We have some other talented folks joining us along with Dean, but I am not
at liberty to tell you
their names until after the first week of July.
I am also very excited about the new Amigatainment section of the web site
being introduced this week. This is where you will be able to see works
in progress on Next Generation Amiga entertainment titles.
Amiga dealers who are planning on stocking
new SDK, can be found in the Products section of the web
Please support them, as they have continued to support Amiga.
We took over Amiga on January 3rd, 2000, and six* months later we have
delivered on our promise to you: a new developer platform.
There will be more announcements and partnerships, changes to the web
developer updates over the coming months.
I know that our silence can be extremely frustrating and there are some
who try to take advantage of our silence, but I do not want us
to pre-announce and build false hope and expectations. There was far
too much of that activity in the past and we can no longer
afford to pay for those sins. Amiga developers and users have already
paid enough. Let us all move forward
So my friends, today I am 38 years old. It is my birthday, and I could find
no better way to celebrate with you than this. Well, actually there are a
couple, but I'll just keep those to myself.
I thank God for what we have accomplished so far, but this is truly only a
small glimpse of what is to come, and we have set even greater goals.
Bill McEwen, and the Amiga Team.
Bill McEwen * Six months (five months, six months, we're rounding... I guess it means we're actually a month ahead of schedule :) |
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